So many people use the excuse that Christianity isn't their religion so they aren't "forced" to attend a Baptist church. Except faith in Christ isn't just a religion. It's a way of life.

When Christ enters into a person's heart, it's eternity being given to you because you're replacing the faulty human blood with His pure LIFE. His death on the cross ±2000 years ago isn't a myth. There are way too many stories that have been going around and spreading for centuries for that to be fact.

IMO, "a myth" is something that can't be unequivocally proven. God's Word alone is proof of these so-called "myths". It's stood the test of time, remaining the same for centuries. Even millenia.

Today, scientists are trying - to the best of their human ability - to prolong life. Artificially. But even if they're able to do it for one person, another might not be a success story. However, Jesus' salvation is for all mankind. Not a single person is exempt from His invitation. Those who accept Him and His sacrifice are eternally forgiven.


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