Intro to MOI - #1

 It's taken me quite some time - mostly doodling on WordPress before coming over here - to actually begin working on this blog. I'm not even sure if I'll completely forget about WordPress, but this will at least be a place where I can do something that's blog-related.

When I was 16 I thought I had most of my life figured out. I didn't. It turns out life had some twists and turns for which I hadn't prepared myself.

You know the saying "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade"? That was how I was raised, but that's not how I thought for a long time. Even now - 20 years after the terrible twist that altered my and my family's lives forever - I'm still adjusting. My parents are, as well. My brothers both moved away a few years ago, so they don't have to deal with me on a daily basis.

A part of me wants to get really mad at them for leaving my parents alone to deal with me. Or for leaving me alone to deal with them. But we're managing to survive each other, so I guess you can say "All's well that ends well".

While being a writer has been a dream of mine since my teens, I only started working on book covers in the last ten years (or so). Since moving to French Canada where my dad is a pastor, I've had a bit of time to focus on what I love most: BOOKS.

A FEW of my TBR.
A bunch I've already sunk my teeth into.

Anthologies are pretty special since I can't easily get my hands on clean books. Those of the Christian variety.


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